
The EUCOTTON initiative

EUCOTTON is a registered “European Collective Mark” attributed to the members of the Alliance that they manage to produce and process cotton in compliance with the criteria set at its regulation of use. The criteria are in accordance with the EU legislation that reinforce the implementation of sustainable production techniques beneficial for the climate and the environment while respecting farmers and consumers’ safety as well as the rights of field workers.

The EUCOTTON licensing program

The EUCOTTON Licensing program is the licensing scheme that manages the use of the EUCOTTON label to the supply chain all the way to the end textile products within the EU. All participants in the textile chain; from ginners, spinners, weavers, knitters, and manufacturers to brands and retailers can use the EUCOTTON mark for their products as long as they comply with the criteria of the EUCOTTON protocol.

The Protocol provides the framework for the implementation of a «from farm to fashion» comprehensive management system in the cotton supply chain, with the aim of meeting the current market demands regarding production practices and chain of custody procedures.  Special attention paid to the proximity factor and the production practices followed that guaranty full traceability of the supply chain. The protocol focuses on the supply chain in the EU internal market and requires 100% of EUCOTTON Fibres at the end cotton textile products allowing max percentage of 50% cotton in case of blended textiles.

By licensing the entire supply chain in combination with the implementation of the verified chain of custody and the laboratory controls the assurance to the downstream customers that EUCOTTON trademarked goods are made with 100% European cotton produced and processed with the EU, will be guaranteed. This will allow EUCOTTON visibility throughout the supply chain of the use of its trademark as well as to control the quality and integrity of products that bear the EUCOTTON logo. Full traceability and transparency of the supply chain will give the added value to the brands and differentiate our offering.

Moreover, the carbon footprint of EUCOTTON is efficiently controlled since production of raw materials and manufacturing of end textile products are happening in the internal EU market, maximizing the supply chain’s energy efficiency.

The European cotton Alliance supervises the regulation of using the mark and gives the relevant certification to the members in order to make use of the trademark. A third-party verification process with an external auditor guarantees the credibility of certification.

EUCOTTON, a comprehensive statement

EUCOTTON is a quality mark that incorporates the identity features of cotton processed in Europe as it concerns its high quality and the responsible and sustainable way it is produced.

It is grown from non-GMO seeds achieving high level of environmental and social performance. Farming practices used for its production are highly regulated ensuring safety for the farmers, the consumers, and the environment.

EUCOTTON is protected by the provisions of the EU Trademark Regulation (EUTMR) and is registered to the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

EUCOTTON, unique characteristics

EUCOTTON is of high quality, achieving high spinnability, excellent uniformity, versatility of the Fibres. It is a virtually contamination free crop, machine picked with good logistics. All these are the outcome of the work done at the producing countries by farmers’ extensive know how, use of high-quality non-GMO seeds, advanced production methods, modern equipment, high professionalism of the private sector and the industry, good support from the authorities and the research institutions, efficient coordination from the countries’ inter-professionals’ organizations.

EUCOTTON for the textile industry and the retails

EUCOTTON is an important tool for brands and retailers who target consumers demanding high environmental and social standards together with the fashion they consume. The benefit for the brands and the retailers for using EUCOTTON will be the critical assurances for their customers that the cotton used at their products is certified, of high quality, sustainably grown with high environmental and social values.