About the campaign
EUCOTTON Is an ambitious initiative for the promotion of European cotton production led by the European cotton Alliance (ECA) and funded by the European Union.
Under the slogan: “Europe designs a sustainable future with cotton from Europe”, this 3-year European campaign focuses on raising awareness among consumers, opinion leaders and key players in the textile and related industries about the quality characteristics of European cotton, its sustainable production model and its traceability.
Develop and reinforce the positive perception of European cotton production among the target groups.
Increase the demand for European cotton among professionals, consumers, and textile industries in the European Union.
Raise awareness of the fact that cotton production in the European Union is a responsible and sustainable crop, which applies environmentally friendly practices in accordance with the European Green Pact (biodiversity strategy, forest protection policies and zero pollution).
Inform the target groups that European cotton is a sustainable natural material of high value, used for the production of high-quality textile products.
Raise awareness among key stakeholders and trade professionals that European cotton is grown from non-GMO seeds and has a high environmental, social, and economic performance.