Legal notice, terms and conditions



In compliance with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services (hereafter, LSSICE), we hereby inform you that EUCOTTON.EU (hereafter, EUCOTTON), with registered offices at 1440 Brussels, Rue de la Loi, 38, Tax Identification Number [CIF] BE0874269116, and email address https// makes available to Internet Users certain content via the domain EUCOTTON.EU (hereafter, “the Website”).

The service provided by EUCCOTTON.EU  via the website (hereafter, “the Service”) includes making graphic and audiovisual content related to the cotton industry available to users.

1.1. Use of the Website

EUCOTTON.EU facilitates Users access and use of a range of services and content, making information and data available to the User (hereafter, “Contents”) through the website. These Contents may be supplied by EUCOTTON.EU  as well as by third parties, whether natural or legal persons. Access to EUCOTTON.EU website is free and does not require registration. In the event that any service offered via the Website is withdrawn, the User will be duly informed of such.

The User that accesses the site understands and accepts the general terms contained herein, for each of the versions of the website that may be displayed and ways in which they may be changed. It is advised that users regularly access them for their information.

Using the Website means being a User and implies the acceptance and express acknowledgement of legal notices, terms and conditions of use contained herein. The User must carefully read this Legal Notice every time they wish to access the Website, since it is subject to modifications. The applicable version is the one published at that time. The use of the Website implies the express approval of these norms and of any modification that may be made in the future. For this reason, the User must read these terms and conditions regularly.


The mere access to the Website does not imply the establishment of any form of commercial relationship between EUCOTON.EU and the User. The information publicized via this means are solely informative. EUCOTTON reserves the right to delete or stop its issue, either totally or partially, and to modify the structure and content of this Website.

Likewise, EUCOTTON.EU reserves the right to unilaterally modify the terms and conditions of this Website, wherever justified.  Any modification of the conditions of use will enter into force once it is published on this Website.

In order to be able to access and use specific content and services of the Website, it may be necessary to download specific computer programs or other logical elements onto your hardware devices. The User will be responsible for said installation. EUCOTTON.EU hereby declines any liability which could derive from the foregoing.

EUCOTTON.EU reserves the right to suspend and cancel access, and to modify, limit, or cancel any or all of the terms and conditions applicable to the Website, giving prior notice via an announcement on the Website. The quality and speed with which the web is accessed will not be EUCOTTON.EU responsibility, and the user cannot claim any compensation for damages. The service is provided by EUCOFEL via its website for an indefinite amount of time. EUCOTTON.EU may cease to offer this service without cause, justified motive, or prior notice.

EUCOTTON.EU will not be responsible for any anomaly, malfunction, damage, data, or software deletion that may occur to the user’s equipment or systems as a direct or indirect result of accessing or trying to access the Website. The access, browsing, and use of the Website is the responsibility of the User, and they therefore commit to diligently and faithfully following any additional instructions provided by EUCOTTON.EU or staff authorized in the use of the Website and its Contents. Therefore, the User must use the Contents in a diligent, correct, and legal manner. In particular, they commit to, including but not limited to, abstaining from using the contents for purposes or effects contrary to the law, morals, and good customs generally accepted or contrary to public order, using the contents and in particular the information obtained through the Website or the Services for purposes contrary to the law.


The language used by EUCOTTON.EU on the website will be that of the target country, without limiting the use of other languages, national as well as regional, freely and without prior notice. EUCOTTON.EU may modify the Contents without prior notice, as well as suppress or change them within the web, not being responsible of the consequences that this may entail for the users. It is forbidden to do anything that prevents or complicates access to the site for users, as well as the links to services and contents of third parties offered via the website, and in particular the use of EUCOTTON.EU  as a metatag or using it in any way to attract users to different websites than the current one, or make complicate its use or dissuade users from it.

EUCOTTON.EU is not responsible for the reliability and speed of the links that may be displayed on its website or other websites. EUCOTTON.EU does not guarantee the usefulness of this website’s links to other websites, and it is not responsible for the contents or services that the user may access through these links, nor their proper functioning.


The design of the Portal and its source code, database, contents (such as logos, brands. graphic elements, illustrations, outlines, information, designs, trade names and other distinguishing marks that appear on the Portal) belong to EUCOTTON.EU or to collaborating entities and are protected by the relevant intellectual and industrial property rights. The information available on this Website, unless otherwise stated, is not available to be reused unless it is stated that it can be totally or partially reproduced, modified, distributed or communicated, via an express and written request to


    • About the functioning of the Website

EUCOTTON.EU is not responsible for damages of any nature that may originate from the availability and technical functioning of the Website. In particular, EUCOTTON.EU is not responsible, and it does not guarantee that access to this Website be uninterrupted or free from errors.

In no case is EUCOTTO.EU responsible for the loss or damage of any kind that may stem from accessing and using the Website, included but not limited to those caused to computer systems or those caused by a virus. EUCOTTON.EU adopts security measures that are reasonably adequate to detect the existence of viruses. However, the User is aware and accepts that the security measures available for computer systems on the Internet are not entirely reliable and that, therefore, EUCOTTON.EU is unable to guarantee the lack of viruses or other elements that may cause alterations on the computer systems (software and hardware) of the User and to their electronic documents and files.

    • About the contents of the Website

EUCOTTON.EU declines, as far as is permitted by the Law, any responsibility of any kind for the quality, veracity, accuracy, lawfulness, currency, validity and usefulness or adequacy for any purpose that the User may have attributed to the contents that comprise EUCOTTON.EU. Likewise, it will not assume any responsibility, direct or indirect, that stems from the User’s misuse of the Service. In all cases, the User will assume as their exclusive responsibility for any consequences, damages, or actions that may derive from the access or use of the Service offered by EUCOTTON.EU or third parties.

EUCOTTON.EU does not guarantee or take responsibility for any information on the Website that replicates any documents published on paper, and it will not respond to the information distributed by third parties in which it is cited as a source.

    • About the contents on websites accessible from the Website

EUCOTTON.EU may contain links to websites that are under the responsibility of third parties.

EUCOTTON.EU cannot control or supervise said content in any way, and it does not take, as far as is permitted by the Law, any responsibility of any kind originated from the existence or the possibility of access to said contents. EUCOTTON.EU will not be responsible, even indirectly or in a subsidiary manner, for any of the contents, files, information, opinions, concepts, or images that may be issued, published, or distributed directly or indirectly on websites accessible through the Website, any interconnected website that may be accessed through the Website via links, or any of the services linked or related to said interconnected website.

In the event that the User considers that any of the contents or information available through the Website infringes their rights or that they are unlawful for any reason, they can inform EUCOTTON.EU of such by sending an email to , including “Unlawful Content” as in the subject line.


EUCOTTON.EU guarantees the security and confidentiality of the personal data that the User may facilitate through the Website, and it will treat all personal data as established in its Privacy Policy.


In so far as the existing legislation provides for the possibility for the parties to submit to a specific jurisdiction, for any litigious matter arising from or related to this Website, the Spanish legislation in force at the time of the dispute will be applicable, and we will submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the City of Madrid, as well as, where appropriate for the case, Consumer Arbitration Committees or similar, to which we may be under the jurisdiction of at the time of the dispute.