
The EUCOTTON initiative is committed to increase the awareness of European cotton among industry professionals and end-consumers. It also strives to communicate the unique characteristics of this fabric, such as its sustainability, its quality, and its traceability.

In this endeavor, the media are key.

Here you can find all the latest news about EUCOTTON in Greece, Spain, Germany, Italy, and France.

Press Dossier

All the details about European cotton, the campaign and the ECA, in one place:

Cotton in Europe, in numbers
The EUCOTTON licensing program
European Cotton and the textile industry
The European Cotton Alliance
The EUCOTTON campaign: Objectives & What, When, Where

Press Release

Check out our latest press releases, with all the relevant information about the EUCOTTON initiative.

EN – The cotton industries meet at the 5th Mediterranean Cotton Roads conference, sponsored by EUCOTTON

EN – The EUCOTTON mark, presented in style at Seville with a major event designed to boost the cotton sector

EN – The EUCOTTON initiative: this is how European cotton is setting the trend towards traceability in fashion

EN – Renewed interest in European cotton: major European brands visit Greece to inform about local production

Video Releases

EUCOTTON has produced a video report about the initiative and its Info Day event (Seville, 30 March 2023): interviews with the President (Antonios Siarkos) and VicePresident (Dimas Rizzo) of ECA, resources and a voice-over in 2 languages.

Free to use by any media for articles or reports dealing with European Cotton or the EUCOTTON initiative.



Press Clipping

EUCOTTON is gaining popularity among the European media. Here are some popular mentions around the web:

  • Lelezard: Initiative EUCOTTON : voici comment le coton européen montre l’exemple en matière de traçabilité dans le secteur de la mode. 
  • Merkur: Die EUCOTTON-Initiative: So setzt der europäische Baumwollsektor die Weichen in Richtung Rückverfolgbarkeit in der Mode. 
  • LiberoQuotidiano: L’iniziativa EUCOTTON: ecco come il cotone europeo apre la strada alla tendenza verso la tracciabilità nella moda. 
  • Mercado Financiero: La iniciativa EUCOTTON: así es como el algodón europeo crea tendencia en la trazabilidad de la moda. 
  • Mediaconnect: L’initiative EUCOTTON est présentée à Séville en grandes pompes pour promouvoir le secteur du coton 
  • Focus: EUCOTTON präsentiert sich mit einem großen Event in Sevilla, um den Baumwollsektor zu stärken 
  • MSN: L’iniziativa EUCOTTON si presenta in grande stile a Siviglia, con un evento per dare impulso al settore cotoniero 
  • ABC: La puesta de largo del algodón europeo se celebra en Sevilla 
  • Infoagro: Las industrias del algodón se reúnen en la 5ª Mediterranean Cotton Roads. 
  • Tiscali: Le industrie del cotone di quattro Paesi si riuniscono in occasione della quinta conferenza del Mediterranean Cotton Roads, sponsorizzata da EUCOTTON. 
  • net: Von EUCOTTON gesponsert: Die Baumwollindustrie aus vier Ländern kommt auf der 5. Mediterranean Cotton Roads-Konferenz zusammen. 
  • PR Newswire: Les industries du coton de quatre pays se rencontrent lors de la 5e Conférence méditerranéenne sur les routes du coton, parrainée par EUCOTTON.